“As producers, we don’t have real-time data from our ecosystem, the ability to trace our products, and a platform to protect our brand.”
When we speak to producers in most parts of the world, they all have the desire to get more digitally connected to the entire ecosystem. Be it farm produce or high-end liquor, targeted locally or across the globe, the producers want to have more visibility and insight into their product’s journey up to the end customer, at their fingertips. The Coronavirus outbreak has made it even more urgent and important to track the products all the way to the store shelves and trace any product back to its origin. The merits of having the entire ecosystem as part of a traceable and engageable network, now far outweigh many other priorities for the producers.
“Food and beverage companies under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) now face more stringent FDA traceability requirements than ever before. The FSMA is transforming the nation’s food safety system by shifting the focus from responding to foodborne illness to preventing it.” -fda.gov
“Merely establishing a Producer to Consumer group will not work, as it requires a good platform and an ecosystem to operate.” -MAHA Farmer Producer Companies
So what do we need in a platform to support such a digitally connected ecosystem? To begin with, these are the top priorities:
- Transparently trace the products to the origin of its ingredients. Capture all processing done.
- Realtime tracking of products at every step, by multiple parties, from inception to the end customer with geolocation and timestamp.
- Ability to do batch-recall if any issue arises (very relevant in post-COVID-19 world). This helps tremendously in proactively preventing the spread of foodborne illnesses.
- Ability to authenticate the product while getting instantaneous feedback when counterfeiting is detected.
- Enable end customers to access this information at the time of purchase.
There are many more… and we will cover them in future articles!
“The challenge is to sift through the sea of hype that is out there around these technologies and identify technologies that are commercially viable,” — Penske Logistics.
Well, that is definitely a challenge. But the great news is that Vlinder’s Blockchain-based Authentication and Traceability platform clearly overcomes this challenge and fits the equation.
Vlinder’s platform is easily customizable and simple to use even by the technologically uninitiated! Reach out to us for a demo. We will be glad to partner with you!!!